Wedding weight loss tips so you look gorgeous
Okay ladies here are some wedding weight loss tips. It’s time to focus on you and your wedding gown. It’s time to focus on looking gorgeous, stunning, glamorous, wonderful, powerful, radiant, hot, yep… you want to look better than ever before.
You might as well give it your all because eyes, camera’s, iPhones, iPads, and tablets are going to be pointed right your way. How good are you going to feel knowing you have given it your all.
You’ve got the best man around, an amazing team of friends. So lets do this thing.
Too gushy all this hype? But lets get one thing straight here. You outta look your best and I am just hoping this blog of mine is going to set you straight about getting there. So put your runners on and walk this way.
Running is a top Fat burner!
Running has to be one of the top calorie burning activities and it will give you instant results. I just completed my first full 42.2km Marathon and in the lead up I could eat carbohydrates ( rice, pasta, potato etc ) like a horse. Here’s just some of the benefits of running:
- It’s affordable – all you need are a good pair of runners, ( good brands are Brooks and Asics to name a few) skins and a singlet
- Saves time – You just pop out your front door and your off.
- Is efficient – a half hour jog will take you just over an hour on a bike to get the equivalent calorie benefits
- Runners high – helps clear your head, and give you a high as exercise releases adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine
Running is not for me
Not all of us are born runners. In fact some people hate it. If this is you then try something else like skipping, a rev cycle gym class. Be kind to yourself. A close friend of mine has never been a fan of running and this year she has competed 2 half marathons 21kms. Not bad a bad effort.
Start Slow
If running is new for you just start with a 30 min exercise combo run walk. It is best to ease into it.
What runners?
Your runners are like your car tyres, they need to be good. I’d get along to a store that specialise in running or exercise shoes. Do this to avoid injuries
I don’t have time
Make a commitment and reward yourself as you go. Get up half an hour earlier. Morning exercise helps get the blood flowing and provide stimulus for the day ahead. You will actually work better.
Exercise with a friend
Exercising with a friend can help motivate you and make it enjoyable. It is so important to find your exercise enjoyable so pick something you like
How often
Start off slow perhaps twice per week and then build up to 3 days per week. Remember rest is just as important as the exercise.
Reap the rewards
Once you get into your form of exercise routine it will probably take a good 6 weeks to reap the full benefits. Now if you are running you will find you will get to a point where no further progress is made. However I do have a solution for this which will be revealed in my next blog so stay tuned.
Isn’t James Harvie a Photographer
Yes I am a passionate photographer but I have made exercise a part of my life for over 25 years. It’s a good addiction to have and a part of my life. Please note I am not a medical sports practitioner and all the information mentioned here is just my opinion.
So pop on your runners and get out there for some fun burning those calories.